We are a DeFi platform by making full use of Web3.0 and blockchain technologies. We Help those who is holding virtual assets and match fiat currency financing with financial institutions.
Pledging Crypto to get Fiat Loan officially
Open and Fair while all VA shall be escrowed by Smart Contract
Lenders can’t use the pledged VA of Borrowers for other investment
Gather the offers from multiple financing institutions and choose the most suitable one
AI Chain Analysis on Borrower’s Wallet for credit ranking
Market Dashboard Real-time Monitoring
Multi-factor Risk Analysis such as Trending, Block Trade, Liquidity, etc.
Margin Call Automation
Collateral Liquidation Automation
CashOn 作為金融業的開創者,我們的願景遠不止於提供借貸服務,除了為客戶在貸款過程中提供最專業及可靠的服務之外,亦為你帶來全新的 Web3.0 金融體驗。讓你享有更美好的生活,實現夢想。
我們相信,只有以人為本,才能真正滿足客戶的需求,讓我們攜手共創美好未來,開啟你的夢想之旅。歡迎你使用 CashOn,一起邁向成功。